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7 Things a Spouse, Friend Does that Makes You Feel Unloved

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Lately, you have been noticing your loved one is not acting very loving.  This person is not being kind to you, isn’t acting very generous, and doesn’t seem like he or she wants to be in your presence.  Thoughts of separating from this person have been increasing lately.  What more might you need to know to determine whether the relationship or friendship has run its course.

One.  The individual doesn’t call or bother to text any niceties when he is away from you.

If this was something that he or she once did, ask him or her why has it stopped?  Are you continuing to do these things or have you also changed?

Two.  He or she doesn’t ask any questions that would encourage you to express your thoughts or feelings including inquiries about your work day.

Whether this person has become uncaring or always was, ask yourself, “What might be going on in his or her life that would make this person stop communicating with you?  What might you have said or did that may have contributed to his or her quiet behavior?”

Three.  A mate doesn’t compliment you when you look beautiful/handsome and this person says nothing when you look ill.

Has there been a history of disputes that have included: name-calling, negative statements related to appearance, and other things that are simply mean?  If so, then he or she might feel it is better to say nothing then say something to hurt your feelings yet again.  On the other hand, he or she might be too busy to notice.  This sort of behavior rarely means that he or she doesn’t like or love you anymore.

Four.  Your partner/friend doesn’t uplift you with kind words or physical touch when you feel down.

Now the lack of kindness and touch is a cause for concern.  No rub on the back from a friend who sees you cry or a kiss from a lover?  There is something clearly wrong with this unaffectionate person who may have once been very willing to comfort you.  Most often people pull away from one another due to unresolved past issues.   When you are still angry with someone, you or that person doesn’t want to be nice or touch.  It’s like a child, who just got spanked by his or her parent the little person doesn’t genuinely want to hug mom or dad afterward.  When a spouse has dishonored the relationship by being emotionally involved with another or is physically cheating, this person is going to be less affectionate.  If you have become someone’s least favorite person, they will avoid doing things like:  making eye contact, shaking your hand or patting you on the back.

Five.  Your mate acts friendlier with others than he or she does with you.

When you observe your partner being really nice with everyone else and acting unemotional, angry or even irritated with you, there is obviously something wrong.  You will need to do what you can to find out who or what might be causing his or her disinterest in you.  Be open to hearing feedback from your partner or friend about yourself. 

Six.  The individual puts on an act in front of people pretending that he or she cares for you.

This is a sign that he or she seriously doesn’t care about you but is more concerned about how he or she looks to others when this person is with you.  Cut your losses early and begin to plan to distance yourself from your so-called partner or best friend, because his or her behavior will only worsen the longer you stick around.

Seven.  When you are experiencing challenging times your mate rarely offers his or her assistance.

This is a clear sign that the relationship has reached a point where the likelihood that it is going to survive is not good.  This person has made a point to cut off personal feelings for you by no longer caring about who you are and what you do even at your worse.

Relationships and friendships are built on qualities like:  trust, appreciation, support, and love. Yet, when you no longer feel these basic emotions from someone who claims to care for you, it is safe to say that he or she is pretending until the right time comes to break up.

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