100 You Are My Everything Quotes to Send to Your Love
If you want to show your boyfriend or girlfriend how much you care, these “You are my everything quotes” to send to your love are a great choice. You can use these quotes to show your love just how much they mean to you. Once you find your soulmate, you want to make sure that they feel loved and want to stay with you. Sweet quotes like these are one of the best ways to show how much you care.

100 You Are My Everything Quotes to Send to Your Love
1. Whenever I look into your gorgeous eyes, I do not just see you staring back at me. I see my present, my tomorrow and the rest of my life gazing back at me.2. I can see it clearly now. I can see us cuddling on the couch, getting married and moving in together. I can see us smiling without a reason, making dinner together, having arguments, making babies and never leaving each other’s side for a single moment. I can see us being together forever.
3. I wake up each morning with the thought of you on my mind. Each night, I lie down with the exact same thoughts of the most amazing person in the world. You are my everything, love.
4. You have experienced me at my best and seen me at my worst. Even when I am annoying and drive you nuts, you still patiently put up with me. Your love is the one constant in my life, and I just need you at my side forever.
5. You are the only air that I need to breath. You wake me up with the thought that I still must be dreaming because I could never possibly find someone like you. In my heart, you are the clock that ticks out each second of the day until I can be with you again. You are my everything, my love.
6. You are like the greatest love story every told. I just want to fill a book with everything that I see, hear, dream and touch so that I can share it with you at the end of the day. You are the words that fill out every chapter of my existence.
8. I may be indecisive at times and can never pick my favorite foods or restaurants. The one thing that I know is that you are always my favorite. You are my everything, love.
9. I cannot promise that I can be with you for the rest of your life, but I can promise that I will be with you for the rest of mine.
10. I don’t need another partner or a single other date. Since I met you, you are the only one that I have needed. You are everything that is important in my life.
11. I can still remember what you were wearing when we first met. I didn’t realize it then how much you would take over every though in my mind and heart. I love you so much.
12. Waking up in the morning is my favorite thing because I get to see your face. At night, all of my dreams are of you. Your fragrance is more wonderful than a thousand beautiful roses. Out of everything that has happened to me in life, you are my favorite.
13. You are the love of my life and the light of my day. You are my air I breathe and the sun that lights my day. You are my everything and nothing less.
14. Trust me, I cannot live without you. I could never leave you because I need you so much. You are my everything and the sole love of my life.
15. I feel like every step in my life has led me to you. Each heartbreak, decision, regret and celebration brought me here. When we are together, all of the problems and mistakes of my life seem worth it. If I had never gone through those mistakes, they may not have led me to you.
16. There is no one else in the world that I would rather spend my life with. Loving you has been the best and most amazing experience of my life.
18. After a while, you no longer want to go out on the town or plan fancy adventures. You just want to be someone who makes you feel special and like you are the entire world to them. I have found that special someone in you, my love.
19. If I could give you one gift in life, it would be a single moment of seeing the world through my eyes. Then, you would finally be able to realize just how much you mean to me.
20. You are my favorite . . . everything. You are my entire world, my love.
21. You are my favorite pair of eyes to look into, and my favorite way to spend the afternoon. You are my favorite name to see on my phone. You are my favorite everything, my love.
22. Whoever I met before you left me disappointed and broke my heart. When you walked into my life, you changed everything and became the one person who brought total happiness into my life. You are my everything.
23. I love all of our secret jokes, long phone calls and sweet pet names. I love everything about you, my love.
24. Whenever I say I love you, I do not mean it casually. I say it as a reminder that you are the best thing that ever happened to me and my everything.
25. Your past does not interest me because all I can see is our future together. I want to build a new world with you because you make living worthwhile.

26. Even when all I can do is think about you and our memories together, you still manage to make me the happiest person on earth.
27. No matter what other people ever say about you or me, I will continue to love you forever until the last day.
28. You are all that I can see in the life before me. I just want you to be a constant, eternal presence in my life. I love you.
29. Some nights, it seems like it is completely impossible for me to sleep because my mind keeps going over how much easier it would be to fall peacefully asleep if you were at my side.
30. Just thinking about seeing you in the morning is enough to wake me up instantly from the deepest of sleep.
31. You are the one who always manages to make me feel like everything in the world is right, even when everything is going wrong.
32. You are my sun, moon and every star in the night sky.
33. If you looked perfect up in the dictionary, you’d find your name there.
34. You are the reason why I became a stronger person, despite the fact that you are my greatest weakness.
35. You are my heart, soul and dearest treasure. You are my today, tomorrow and forever. You are my everything, love.
36. You are my everything, and it just seems impossible to imagine ever living a life without you.
37. Words are not enough for me to truly tell you just how much you mean to me.
38. You are my definition of perfect.
39. You are the light of my life and my entire world. You are my love, my everything.
40. I am so in love with all of the little things that make you, you.
41. Just in case you are wondering what I’m thinking about, I just wanted to say: you are my everything.
42. There is just something about you that makes me feel like everything will always turn out okay.
43. Whenever I see your smile or look at your face, it seems like every part of me relaxes and feels happy.
44. You make me feel like the most amazing person in the world, and I know that you will always be there for me. Whenever I encounter troubled times, I always feel safe because I know that you are in my life.
45. My greatest accomplishment in life was somehow, magically, getting you to love me.
46. You are all that I need for the rest of my life to be happy. I just hope you know that.
47. You are my everything and my forever. I loved you before, love you still and always will.
48. You are my everything and the angel of my heart. You mean more to me than anything in the world.
49. Thank you so much for always picking me up whenever I’m feeling down. I could not imagine a life without you in it.
50. You are the only present that I have ever dreamed about. Now that I have you, I truly have everything I need.

51. You look so beautiful whenever you smile that it brightens up my entire day. You are like my peaceful refuge amid the storms of life. Whenever I’m overwhelmed by the world, just thinking about you cheers me up.
52. You have made everything in my life so much better just by being a part of it. You are my everything, love.
53. Our relationship is not just the most important thing in my life. For me, it’s everything.
54. Whenever I see your bright lovely smile, it makes the entire world seem right again.
55. Being with you was the best decision of my entire life. Each day, I thank God for sending you to me.
56. The heavens must have loved me a lot because they sent me their dearest angel: you.
57. Hearing the sound of my name on your lips is the best sound that I can ever imagine.
58. Now that I know what loving you is like, I could never live a life without you in it.
59. I just wanted to thank you for being the one reason why I look forward to waking up every morning.
60. You are the first thing I think about in the morning and my last thought before falling asleep at night. You are my everything.
61. If you are very lucky, once in a lifetime, you will meet someone who changes everything and eventually becomes your everything.
62. I love you and will keep loving you until the final day when my last breath is taken away from me.
63. I am so deliriously, amazingly, overwhelmingly and completely in love with you. You are my everything, love.
64. To say goodbye is hard enough, but leaving would be impossible. I would never do that to you because you are my entire world. I love you, darling.
65. You are my everything and the brightest spot in my entire life. I am forever grateful that you chose to e mine.
66. My love, you are like the sunshine in my day. You are everything that I could ever want and so much more.
67. I could never lose you. If I did, I would lose my soulmate, my smile, my best friend, my laughter and my everything.
68. You are my heart and soul. You are my best friend and my entire world. In short, you are my everything.
69. If I had to choose between breathing and loving you, I would use my final breath to say that I love you.
70. You are the entire reason why I wake up each morning. Getting out of bed is easy if it means that I will get to see your face again.
71. You are the reason why I am alive right now and my everything. I love you.
72. Let me tell you one simple truth: I will never be able to leave you because you are my true love and the light of my life.
73. I just need everything in life. Sound like too much? It’s not. To me, everything is you.
74. You can never know the amount of happiness you brought into my world. You really are my everything.
75. I just wanted you know how I feel about you. You are my infinity and beyond, my everything.

76. If I had to live my life all over again, I’d only change one thing. I’d find you sooner so that I could love you longer.
77. You make everything in life worthwhile just be existing.
78. I love my life because you are a part of it. And I love you because you have become my life.
79. You are the greatest present I could ever dream of. Now that I have you, I truly have everything.
80. You are my dream come true and everything I need in life.
81. Being with you is always my favorite place to be. My love, you are my everything.
82. I don’t have to travel to see the world because my world consists entirely of you.
83. I find it just amazing how I could find my soulmate out of all the billions of people in the world.
84. You have brought peace to the chaos of my life. You are my everything, love.
85. My reason for existing is simple: you. You are my everything.
86. You are the first and last thought on my mind every day. I am just so grateful that I can call you mine.
87. Life might be constantly changing, but the one constant in your life will always be me.
88. Without you, I could not live. If I lost you, I would lose everything that matters.
89. I want you. I need you and cannot live without you. I just love you too much to imagine life any other way.
90. The thought of hearing you laugh and holding your hand gives me a smile that lasts for days.
91. An angel in heaven must be looking down on me for me to be blessed by someone like you.
92. No matter what happens, I will love you until my heart stops beating. Without you, I am nothing because you are my everything.
93. Finding a person in life is a blessing. Finding someone who becomes your entire world is God’s greatest gift. I am so unbelievably lucky to have you.
94. Could anything be more valuable or more amazing than being in love with you? Since we first met, my time has been measured only in heartbeats.
95. I have fallen for you completely. Everything you say or do only makes me love you more. You are every thought and every dream that I ever had rolled into one amazing person.
96. You are the perfect mix of everything that I want out of life.
97. I might not be perfect on my own, but I feel like I am perfect when I see myself reflected in your eyes. You make me want to be a better person just so that I can deserve you.
98. Thank you for always making me feel like the most important person in your life. I just wanted you to know that you are my everything, too.
99. Nobody, not even time, can change how much I love you. You are my everything and my entire world.
100. Waking up next to the person you love most in the world is the definition of having a good life. You are my everything, my love.
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