30 Happy One Month Anniversary Messages
1 – There are roughly 43,800 minutes in one month and every single one of them has been out of this world because you’ve been in my life. I can’t wait for the next 43,800 minutes. Love you! x
2 – God knew what he was doing when he brought you into my life, and I thank him every day that I have you to love and lean on. The past month has passed by in the blink of an eye, and I can’t wait to see what the coming months brings us. With all of my heart, I love you, and Happy Anniversary to my darling boyfriend/girlfriend.
3 – Many people might not have said we’d lost for a week, let alone a month, but I love that we’re proving them wrong. Come rain or shine, I’ll be yours if you promise to be mine? Happy one-month, my love. Here’s to many more!
4 – Good morning, my love. Can you believe that we have been together for a month now? It’s nowhere near as long as I’d like to spend with you, but a step closer to forever. Thanks for being mine.
5 – No one would ever guess that we’d been together for just four weeks. The closeness that we have is more than some couples experience in decades together. I am so grateful to have you to light up my life, happy first month anniversary, my darling.
6 – Everyone thinks that we make such a cute couple, and I must admit; I agree! We ARE the cutest couple. A month in, still the cutest. Let’s be cute forever x
7 – Happy Anniversary to my darling boyfriend/girlfriend. If you think the past month was fun and filled with love, wait until you see what the next few months and years have to offer us. I love you!
8 – It feels like I’ve known you forever, but it has only been a month. Who could have known that I would have fallen for someone who was just perfect for me? Thank you for the time that you have already invested in us, and I can’t wait to see what our future holds.
10 – Do you know how many hours there are in each month? 730 hours. Roughly. Do you know how many of those hours we spent together out of that 730? I don’t know either, but I do know that, out of that 730 hours, I wish I’d spent every single of them with you. Happy one month anniversary, baby, I really love you!

11 – I never would have guessed that a love like ours could flourish in such a short space of time, but it has, and it feels like I have been blessed to fall in love with someone who is also my best friend. Happy one month anniversary, my darling.
12 – We’ve seen rain and sun, cloud and clear skies, night and day. Happy mornings and miserable nights, lonely hours and minutes that have sped by too fast. One month in and I’m so excited for what may happen in front of us. No obstacle is too big, no mountain too high. We’ll have stormy seas and motionless lakes, but month after month, we’ll make it through. My darling boyfriend/girlfriend, I very much love you.
13 – I hit the jackpot the day I met you, and it feels like I’ve known you forever, even though only a month has passed. Thank you for being my best friend, my lover, and the best boyfriend/girlfriend a girl/boy could ask for. Happy Anniversary! xo
14 – They say that love comes when you least expect it to, and when you stop looking for it. That was very much the case when you came along, but now here we are, one month later, getting bigger and better with each day that passes. Thanks for being the best and most unexpected surprise. Happy one month, baby xo
15 – When it comes to great decisions, you were definitely one of the best. Who’d have known that you would become the person that brings a smile to my face when nothing else can. Thanks for being there for me, and for loving me in the way that you do. One month down, many more to come … I can’t wait for them!
16 – It’s been just four weeks since we first agreed to belong to one another, and I can truly say that it’s been one of the best months of my life. Fun, laughter, and just a couple of obstacles to fight along the way … I know life won’t always be this easy, but I know I’ll always have your back if you’ll have mine? I love you, darling. Happy anniversary!
17 – The first chapter — our first month — has closed, and our love story has a whole bunch of brand new and exciting chapters to explore. I can’t wait for them, and if the coming months is anywhere near as filled with love as the last month has, I know that we’ll be very, very happy. To the one I love: happy anniversary! xo
18 – In some ways, a month is barely any time at all. In other ways, a month can feel like a lifetime. With you, and in this past month, it has felt like barely any time at all and a lifetime, all rolled into one. I’ve never met anyone like you, and I’m lucky to have you as my partner. Thanks for loving me, I promise to continue faithfully loving you. Happy one-month anniversary.
19 – Once upon a time, a girl dreamed of a boy to enter her life, kiss away the tears, and make everything better again. You have done that for me, my love, kissing away the tears and making everything better again. In just a month ,you made me fall for you, and with each month that passes, I have no doubt that I’ll fall for you more and more. With all my heart, I’m yours and I love you.
20 – A lot can happen in a month. Seeds can grow, flourishing into strong seedlings that will, hopefully, one day bear beautiful flowers. One month in, our relationship is but a tiny seedling, but one that has shown the promise to grow into the most beautiful of flowers. Happy anniversary, to my beautiful partner. I can’t wait to see how beautiful our flowers grow.

21 – Do you believe in love at first sight? I do. It’s how I felt when I first met you. Now, one month in, my love for you is as certain as can be. We are made to be. Happy one month anniversary to my beautiful partner-in-love and crime.
22 – After a while of failing at love, it’s understandable to lose faith in the idea of it. I thought I had lost my faith in love, perhaps even gotten confused by the very idea of it, but in just a month — 30 days — you’ve managed to turn things all around. I’m so blessed you have you as my boyfriend/girlfriend, and I’m very proud to say just that. Thank you for being mine, happy anniversary!
23 – I wanted to think of a beautiful and profound way to tell you that I love you today; on our one month anniversary. A way that I can show you, using words, exactly how much you mean to me. I realised something, though; there is just one way that I want to say it. The REAL way.
I love you, my darling, with all my heart. I promise to give you everything I have, for every month that we are together. For the last month we’ve shared, I thank you. It has been beautiful and fun and more than I could ever have dreamed of. Happy one month anniversary. I love you.
24 – A month might not seem like a long time to some people, but for us, a month has been enough to tell us exactly how much we mean to each other. I love you, my darling, and I’m so thankful that we have shared the last sparkling four weeks together. Happy Anniversary!
25 – Did you know that Benji Madden and Cameron Diaz were married within a month of starting dating? I’m not saying that we should get married, of course, but I am saying that you just know when you’ve met the right one for you. And I truly believe that I’ve met the right one for me. It’s you. You are the Benji to my Cameron and I hope we have so many more beautiful months together.
26 – Happy anniversary, my darling. For the month that we’ve been together, you have taught me a lot about myself. We’ve grown, together and individually, and there is a lot of growing to come, but you’ve made such an impact in my life already. I can’t imagine waking up to a day where you’re no longer mine. I love you. I can’t wait for all the months and, hopefully, years that we have to enjoy ahead.
27 – Some might say that a month isn’t long enough to know whether or not you’ve met your soul mate, but I truly believe that I HAVE met my soul mate. You are my soul mate. You are everything I’ve been seeking for, offering everything I could want in a relationship. Here’s to so many more months and years for us.
28 – Happy onemonth anniversaryy, my darling lover. It’s been filled with fun, laughter, and definitely plenty of love. I hope I’m lucky enough to be able to say happy anniversary to you for many more months, and many more years too. You’re the love of my life.
29 – Sometimes, I need to pinch myself? Why? Because I can’t believe I’m lucky enough to have you as my significant other. Thank you for being mine, and happy one-month anniversary. I adore you!
30 – Step by step, month by month, we’ll overcome every and any battle that is thrown in our path. We’ve barely encountered anything, in terms of our love for each other, and there is so much stuff to come that I just can’t wait for. Happy anniversary, baby.
31 – A month is just a fraction of the time that I hope to spend with you. In fact, when compared to forever, a month is no time at all. It’s been a blast, thank you for such a great, fun ride. Here’s to many more! I love you!
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