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40 Clean Pick Up Lines to Use on Guys

If you’re struggling to pluck up the courage to go and ask that cute guy out, we’re going to give you a little helping hand. Although you’re looking for clean pick up lines to use on guys, you should know that you don’t need to stick to traditional ‘pick up’ lines (that are usually considered “cheesy”) to do the job. It’s all about finding the perfect conversation-starter that works for you and that nice, young chap. Isn’t that what you’re trying to do? Start up a conversation and get to know each other a little more?
40 Clean Pick Up Lines to Use on Guys 1
You might find that these help:

40 Clean Pick Up Lines to Use on Guys

1: “Hi, I really like your shirt! Where did you get it from? I’d love to grab one for my brother.”
Top tip: Firstly, you’re paying him a compliment. Guys like compliments just as much as girls do. Asking about his shirt is a great way to compliment his style, something that is individual to him, and asking for your “brother” (or other male relatives) is the excuse you’re looking for to ask the question. You’re not asking him out, yet, so there’s no pressure. 
You could also try these …
2: “You have the coolest hair. Can I touch it a little bit? It looks soft!”
3: “Someone needs to turn the heat down in here, you’re too hot.”
4: “Hey, I’m not a professional photographer or anything, but I can absolutely picture you and I together!”
Top tip: A play on words is a really good idea, making you come across as smart and witty. Oh, and cute too, of course. If it’s cheesy, you might just make him laugh, and laughter will get you a long way when you’re dating, and especially if you’re nervous too. 
5: “I’m not very good at maths, but I’m pretty sure I’d be great with your number.”
6: “I wish we could be cats together because then I would spend every one of my nine lives with you.”
7: “I bet I can guess where you’re from? Is it Tennessee? No? Damn, because in here, you’re the only 10 I can see.”
Top tip: This one is a clever one because he might just tell you where he’s actually from. Then you can tell him where you’re from and the conversation will, hopefully, flow from there. Asking questions is a really great way of getting someone to open to you — it demands an answer. If the answers are brief, short, and to the point, he’s either not interested or super shy. Your ‘demanding’ questions might just help him to loosen up a little. (Or you can accept he’s just not that into you and move along.) 
8: “Do you like what I’m wearing today? Oh, I’m not talking about the outfit, I’m talking about the beaming smile you gave me.”
9: “We were in the right science class at school, right? No? Are you sure? I could have sworn we had chemistry together …”
10: “Roses are red, violets are blue, do you know what would be a total shame? Me not dating you!”
40 Clean Pick Up Lines to Use on Guys 3
11: “I might need an inhaler because you’re really takin’ my breath away!”
12: “What are your views on aliens? Because I think you’re totally outta this world!”
13: “Give me two seconds to check whether or not there are any cops around because I’m about to steal your heart, boy.”
14: “Hey, how are you? I’m going to get to the point and say that I think you’re the hottest guy I’ve ever seen. Just so I can brace myself for potential rejection; if I were to ask you out, what are the chances that you’d say yes to a date with me?”
15: “I’m no genie, but I do promise to try and make all of your dreams come true. Now, how about a date?”
16: “What are your views on the Star Wars movies, because Yoda only guy for me.”
Top tip: That’s right; you should most definitely get the movies involved. Everyone has an opinion on Star Wars, so at least you’ll know where his opinion will lie. Also, everyone has a film that they love or really hate. It’s another great conversation starter. 
17: “Are you a keyboard? You’re totally my type!”
18: “Hey! Do you fancy grabbing a coffee with me? Because I really like you a latte!”
19: “Your eyes are so blue, they look like the ocean. I’m all lost at sea.”
20: “My friends bet me I wouldn’t ask you to go on a date with me. How about we take their money and go get something good to eat?”
40 Clean Pick Up Lines to Use on Guys 2
21: “Do you mind if I just take a quick photo of you? I’d quite like to show my mother, my potential future boyfriend.”
22: “You’re as tasty as McDonald’s. I’m lovin’ it!”
23: “You must be one heck of a thief because you managed to steal my attention from the other side of the room.”
24: “You look a little cold. May I offer up my arms for a blanket?”
25: “Hey, all I’m saying is, if you were words on a piece of paper, you’d be the fine print.”
26: “I’m not saying I’m a snowflake, but I have fallen for you.”
27: “Kiss me if I’m wrong, but the dodo is still alive, right?”
28: “You remind me a little bit of a magnet because you attracted me from the other side of the bar.”
29: “I wouldn’t class myself as a hoarder but I’d like to keep you forever.”
30: “Hey, baby! My lips aren’t going to kiss themselves … “
31: “I know you’re probably really busy being cute and all, but is there any chance you fancied adding a date with me on your to-do list?”
32: “We should get out of here. Firstly, you’re making all these other guys look bad. Secondly, I think you’re hot and really want to get to know you better.”
Top tip: Sometimes, the best approach is the direct approach. If you like him and want to get to know him, why not tell him that? The very worst that can happen is that he’ll say he’s not really interested/already has a girlfriend/is gay. Rejection happens from time to time, and it’s something we all need to deal with. Even the most beautiful women and men in show business have been rejected! 
33: “Hey there, your hand looks super heavy. Let me hold it for you … “
34: “Hey, boy, are you wearing space pants? No? Weird, because your butt is outta this world.”
35: “What’s your Twitter? I need to follow you. My Mama always told me to follow my dreams.”
36: “Hi, do you mind if I get a photo next to you? I’m about to ask you on a date, and just in case you say no, I’ll have the photo to remember how cute you were when I tell the story of the hot boy who got away.”
37: “I know what you’re made of. It’s copper and tellurium … If we were in science class, you’d know that’s CuTe.”
38: “Apart from hanging around in bars looking cute, what else do you do? Oh, and can I buy you a drink?”
39: “Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m really bad at rhyming so I’ll just ask: can I go on a date with you?”
40: “Hey, boy, do you play soccer at all? No? That’s a surprise because you’re a real keeper

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