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62 Contact Names For Your Boyfriend

Pet names have been around for hundreds and thousands of years; some of them with some beautiful and even quirky meanings at times. Back in the late 1700s, for example, Napoleon Bonaparte was said to have called his wife, Josephine, “Mio Dolce Amore”. This translates into “my sweet love”. Beethoven used a nickname that later became famous for his love; a woman who historians have yet been able to name. The letters that he penned for his significant other also referred to her as “Immortal Beloved”.
Contact Names For Your Boyfriend
Of course, those pet or contact names for your boyfriend have certainly changed over the years, barely anyone using those old and famous affectionate terms. From the early 1700s to the 1900s, we went from “Mio Dolce Amore” to “Ma Jolie” which in French means “my pretty girl”. Picasso used that famous pet or contact name, and there have been many more famous ones since then too. Earnest Hemingway apparently referred to his future wife as “Wicky Poo”, although you’d never be able to imagine it. Even Winston Churchill showed off his softer side, calling wife Clementine, “Darling Clementine” more affectionately.
We decided that it was most definitely time that we took a closer look at things — investigating the common and well-known pet and contact names for your boyfriend. You might just find a new one for your best love!
  1. Boo or My Boo
  2. Shorty/Shawty
  3. Prince
  4. Babe
  5. Baby
  6. Bubba
  7. My Love
  8. My World
  9. My Heart
  10. My Treasure
  11. My Everything
  12. Hubby
  13. Hubster
  14. Fella or Big Fella
  15. Lover
  16. Lovebug
  17. Dear
  18. Darling
  19. Honey
  20. Sexy
  21. Sexpot
  22. Sugar Bunny
  23. Pumpkin
  24. Love Puppy
  25. Sweetcheeks
  26. Angel Eyes
  27. Baby Face
  28. Soulmate
  29. Daddy
  30. Champ
  31. Sweetheart
  32. Main Squeeze
  33. BAE
  34. Sugar Lips
  35. Handsome
  36. Hunk
  37. Love Muffin
  38. Pookie Bear
  39. Apple – often used similarly to “the apple of my eye”.
  40. Cariad“sweetheart” in Welsh.
  41. Schnuckiputzi – a combination of two words which, independently, mean “sweet” and “good”.
  42. Mo Chuisle“my pulse” in Irish and first used in the hit movie Million Dollar Baby.
  43. A Chuisle Mo Chroí – slightly longer version of “Mo Chuisle” and means, in Irish, “pulse of my heart”.
  44. Mo Chroí“my heart” in Irish.
  45. Buah Hatiku – “fruit of my heart” in Indonesian.
  46. Mi Corazón“my heart” in Spanish.
  47. Ojos de Ángel“angel eyes” in Spanish.
  48. Amor Mio“my love” in Spanish.
  49. Mi cielito“my little heaven” or “my little sky” in Spanish.
  50. Mi Sol“my sun” or “my sunshine” in Spanish.
  51. Mi Tesoro“my treasure” in Spanish.
  52. Corazoncito“little heart” in Spanish.
  53. Cariño“affection” or “my darling” in Spanish.
  54. Mi Vida“my life” in Spanish.
  55. Mi Rey“my King” in Spanish.
  56. Fragolina“little strawberry” in Italian; an affectionate term.
  57. Golubchik“my dove” in Russian, but can also mean “dearie” or “deary,” and is also used in place of “my darling,” “sugar,” and “honey”. In Russia, the dove is a symbol of love and peace and is, therefore, used in many loving or pet names for boyfriends/girlfriends. Golubchik is the masculine form — used for men/boyfriends. If you want to use this name for a girlfriend, you’ll need Golubushka.
  58. Min Guldklump“my gold nugget” in Danish.
  59. Skat“treasure” in Danish. You may wish to think about this one twice, though. ‘Skat’ is another name for racoon poop.
  60. Drágám“precious” in Hungarian.
  61. My Precious – it is even cute in English too!
  62. Mon Petit Chou“my little cabbage” in French. It sounds like we made that up, but it is really a pet name for your boyfriend or girlfriend!
Everyone who is anyone has had a pet name for their loved one at some point or another. Elvis reportedly called Priscilla Presley “Nungen,” which isn’t a word for anything outside of the language of Elvis, if ever such a thing were to exist. When asked about the name, Elvis said that “Nungen” sounded like the noise a person would make when they were rubbing noses with a dog and being affectionate.
Isn’t that the cutest? We sure thought it was!
Of course, many of the contact names for your boyfriend would be food related, specifically, sugary-sweet foods. Some of the names even sound funny, such as “bawcock”. This term, first coined (it’s believed) in 1601, might sound like an insult, but it is actually a term of affection or endearment, usually used from one male friend or lover to another. It comes from the French language, the phrase “beau coq” to be exact, which literally translates to “fine cock”. We wouldn’t recommend using that as a term for your loved one unless you’re happy with explaining where it comes from too.
Contact Names For Your Boyfriend 2

Rules of Using Contact Names For Your Boyfriend

No one likes rules; we know that, but there are some rules that it is wise to read up on and remember before you go picking names out of a hat. Certain times might actually be offensive to your loved one, so we always advise ‘testing the waters’ with your new pet name — say it and gauge the kind of reaction you’ll get.
If he doesn’t like the name, you’ll either need to keep his contact name a secret and pray that he doesn’t reach for your phone at any point, or you can pick another name. The last thing you’d want to do is offended your boyfriend every time you try and be affectionate towards him.
Of course, nothing is cuter or more romantic than making up your own name for your significant other — something that is entirely personal to you and him. It could be related to his favourite food, or perhaps even a movie or TV show you loved watching together?

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