Dreams of Boyfriend Cheating: What They Really Mean
When you dream of a boyfriend cheating, it can be quite terrifying. You want to be with your boyfriend forever, and you never questioned your relationship before. Now, you are reexamining every look, glance or gesture.

Something Is Making You Insecure
One of the most obvious reasons for this type of dream is because you feel insecure. This may be because of how you feel, or it may be due to something your boyfriend is doing. For example, you may feel jealous if your boyfriend frequently smiles and flirts with beautiful women. If he has a lot of friends of the opposite gender, it may also make you feel insecure. These are real reasons for feeling insecure, but they do not mean that he is cheating. If this is the cause of your dreams, you may want to talk to your boyfriend about no longer flirting with other women. As for his friends, you can’t control who he is around, although you can ask him to bring you along so that you can get to know the friends and realize that they are not a threat.If the insecurities are just in your own mind, you have to figure out why they are there. Do you feel insecure because of a past relationship? Are you just afraid of losing him? Are these feelings due to a lack of confidence or self-esteem? Whatever the cause, you need to figure it out and address it. Insecurities can damage an otherwise healthy relationship, so you do not want to let them continue.
You Have Been Cheated on Before

Being cheated on is one of the most traumatic experiences you can have. Your boyfriend is supposed to be the one person that you can trust and rely on. When an ex-boyfriend cheats on you, it leaves a sense of betrayal that can last for years. Your current dreams about a boyfriend cheating on you might not be because of your current boyfriend. Instead, they may be due to an ex-boyfriend.
The only real way to deal with these dreams is to let go of the past. The ex-boyfriend was obviously not worth you. He might still be a terrible person, but you have to forgive him and move on. Because of the ex’s betrayal, you are now with a more wonderful, better boyfriend. In a way, you have your ex to thank. At some point, you have to let go of the past so that you can move on.
He Is Actually Cheating on You

No one wants to believe that a partner is cheating on them. Sometimes, your subconscious mind picks up on cues that you do not want to accept. Perhaps he comes home late without an explanation or hides his phone while texting. He might be neglecting you, or he may seem less interested in lovemaking than normal. Whatever the cause, he may be doing something that makes you feel like he is cheating (or at least considering it). Because of this, you have dreams that your boyfriend is cheating on you.
If this is the case, then be cautious before doing anything. If you accuse him of cheating, it may end the relationship if you are wrong. Think carefully before you do anything and avoid jumping to conclusions. While cheating dreams sometimes mean that a partner is cheating, they often just reflect your own insecurities or doubts.
You Are Afraid of Losing Him

One of the most common reasons why people dream that a boyfriend is cheating is because of a fear of loss. When you love someone a great deal, you naturally feel afraid that you could lose them somehow. He has become an important part of your life, so you are fearful that something will get in the way. This is the reason why you may have dreams that a boyfriend is cheating on you. If this is the case, don’t worry. He is probably not cheating on you or betraying your trust in any way. You are only having these dreams because you love him so much that you are afraid that he could leave you some day.
Someone cheating on you in a dream may also show that you feel a lack of control. It seems like everyone else gets to make decisions, and you are just forced along without getting to choose what happens. If you normally like to plan your life out carefully, these dreams may happen to show your fear of losing control or failing.
You Are Cheating

When you are doing something wrong, you naturally fear that someone else could do the same thing. For example, someone who steals constantly worries that another person could steal from them. When it comes to cheating, this same idea is true. When someone cheats, they can become insanely jealous. They know that they are capable of cheating, so they are afraid that their partner could do the same thing.
When you dream about your partner cheating, it may be your subconscious reflecting your own behavior back at you. If you cheated on your partner, then you may dream that they are cheating on you. Sometimes, you do not even have to physically cheat for this to happen. You may have just thought of cheating or noticed how attractive a co-worker was. Because these thoughts popped into your head so easily, your subconscious became wary that your boyfriend could have similar thoughts.
You Want to Spice Things Up
If you dreamed that you were the one cheating, it does not mean that you necessarily want to cheat on your boyfriend. It could mean that you just want to have some new romance or passion in your life. After you have been in a relationship for a while, the lust stage of romance transitions into mutual affection. While this is good for the long-term potential of your relationship, it means that the passion starts to fade a bit. When this happens, your subconscious may create dreams of cheating. Or, you may dream that your boyfriend cheats because your subconscious assumes that he could be just as bored in the relationship as well. Nafasi za kazi kwa wenye Elimu ya Darasa la Saba ,form four/six certificate , Diploma,Degree,masters pakua Ajira forum App changamkia fursa, 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
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