How Love Changes Over Time
The blissful love stage chemicals last for approximately two to three years, at which time their levels fall off and a new stage of the love cycle is entered, which could be called the mature love stage. It is at this point that a relationship enters a new venerable phase, and will endure if strong bonds have been made during the initial blissful love stage and efforts are made to rejuvenate the love from time to time. Besides losing much of the strong chemical reaction to the object of one’s love upon entering the mature love stage, one also regains their ability to think rationally about their love partner. This may introduce some uncomfortable thoughts, as faults that were overlooked while madly in love suddenly come to the fore. At this point in a relationship, some people claim their partner has changed, which may be the case, but it is also just as likely that one’s perception of their partner has changed, rather than an actual change in their partner.
This is why it is critical for couples to do things to rejuvenate their love from time to time. It is important to keep the love chemicals flowing and the feelings of love strong after the blissful love stage has passed. While a couple may never reenter the blissful love stage entirely, they can certainly do a lot to keep their love for each other going at a strong level to endure the unavoidable pitfalls and challenges that any loving relationship faces over time.
This includes having intimate sexual moments on a regular basis, as sex releases a hormone called oxytocin that reinforces a long-term commitment between two partners.
Endorphins are also released when couples have physical contact and sex, which makes people in the mature love stage feel secure and soothed when with their partner. Of course, there is a lot more to a lasting loving relationship than physical contact and sex. Good communication and just doing things together as a couple are also very important to keep a loving relationship strong in the mature love stage.
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