Tuesday, 18 March

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How to plan a romantic date!

Beginning Of A New Relationship With Ideas For Romantic Dates

Simple and Cheap Romantic Date Ideas
Setting a Romantic Table
Use fabric napkins over paper.  Be sure they are spic and span clean! For a romantic flair, use flower buds, dried or fresh and after rolling the napkin, attach the bud with a small piece of fancy ribbon.
Make this a “no interruptions night.”  This means no phone, cell phone and most all, no pager.
Use a lace tablecloth and sprinkle it with gold and silver stars and moons for added flair.  He or she will notice every last detail!
Fill a decorative flower vase with water and then place an assortment of colorful tea candles to float on top.
Hoping that your dinner will lead you to another room.......prepare it well with scented candles, flower blossoms sprinkled throughout and crisp and clean bed linens just ready to be jumped into!
Enhance your Love Life with Romantic Date Night Ideas
Spend one night out each week doing something fun and different. If you're looking for a few good ideas to start a weekly tradition with your loved one, read on!
Play a Fun Board Game
There are a bunch of really romantic and sensual board games for couples that you will find in most games shops. You could also go with traditional games and add a romantic twist to them.  For Scrabble, say, adapt it by creating the rule that all words spelled must be on the topic of love and romance.
Cook a Weekly Dish Together
You can alternate weeks.  Try the Internet to find great recipes that can be printed out.  Try the recipe together.
Movie Night in and out
This is the main stay of any romantic couple, so be sure to not neglect this one.  So long as you are watching a good variety of interesting flicks, and cuddling up and smooching as you watch the movie together, you are doing just fine!  Plan for some yummy snacks!
Check out to see if there is a drive-in movie theater within driving distance and if there is, go out often!
Spend a Romantic Evening in
Order in something delectable like Mexican, pamper yourselves in a steamy bath together complete with bubbles and candles, take turns massaging each other with scented body oils and of course, make delirious love. If you are not doing this on a regular basis -- why not?
Go House Browsing
The women especially will love this! Take a casual drive, or walk in a neighborhood you consider ideal and dream a little.  Together, pick out your favorite dream house. On the weekends you might take this one step further and visit open houses.  Just be sure to set the ground rules first, (i.e. this would be my fondest dream with you....)
Go Extravagant with a Night out On the Town
Every good love life needs a little of this. Catch an independent film or attend a street fair, kick up your heals at a square dance, or sit in on a new book reading.
Gaze on a Star and Name it
Go out for a country ride and lay down a warm blanket.  Gaze up into the sky and search for a star!  Go on-line and register your name for your star and dedicate it to your relationship!
Learn Something Fascinating Together
Take a new class together, such as: Cajun cooking, Chinese brush painting or Early American Folk pottery.
Enjoy a Visit to a Museum
Museums are not all stuffy.  Look for new experiences such as a wax museum, cultural digs museum, ancient artifacts museum, war memorabilia museum or any other type that might interest you both.
Enjoy More Fun Together
Go fishing, play snooker, try a new sport like volleyball.
Visit New Sights within your City
Contact your visitor’s bureau and look through pamphlets for new ideas on different aspects of your city that you can visit together.  Make a list of “must-see’s” and then tick them off one by one. Keep a scrapbook of your many adventures.

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