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Make Men Desire You (Like Crazy)

 Date Night Costs in the US & Around the World | EliteSingles

Did you know that you can make men desire you with just one simple sentence?
It really is that easy to start creating powerful feelings in men. I’ve put together a selection of 8 sentences that cause men to feel uncontrollable desire.

Chances are you’re already using one or two of these without knowing, but if you can master all 8 then he’s going to want you desperately.

“I can’t stop thinking about last night.”

I don’t have to tell you that men love sex. But did you know that your enjoyment is actually the most important part for many men?
This is tied into men’s innate desire to provide for women. If you keep reminding him how much he pleases you then he’s not going to want to wait to do it again and again.

“Anything you say…”

This is a throwaway line that people often use sarcastically but if you use it properly it can be so subtle and powerful. I’ve said before that men don’t really want a subservient partner.
But playing the doting housewife every so often can really turn men on.
It goes back to deep rooted feelings about gender roles that have held up for thousands of years. While these dynamics have changed so much in recent years, it never hurts to poke the bear a little.
With this in mind if he makes a simple request, hit him with a saucy “anything you say” and watch him blush.

“You’re so cute when you’re angry.”

Teasing is huge with guys. This shows them that you like to have fun, you don’t take things too seriously and that you’re interested in getting a rise out of him. This is in the same vein as a playful punch on the arm.
Love and hate are two sides of the same coin. That’s what makes makeup sex so good. With that in mind, keep him on his toes by teasing him and he’ll keep coming back for more

“Can you help me with…”

As I’ve said, male-female dynamics are based on need and desire. Men feel desired when they can be useful. This means doing things for you that you can’t do yourself.
Now, there aren’t too many of these things left in the modern world, thank god, so you may need to seek some of these out. Whether it’s opening a jar of pickles or teaching you to play pool, if you can put a man to work then he’ll be happy.

“I’m looking forward to dinner… and breakfast.”

This phrase is nice because it’s flirty without being too overt. Obviously no one’s going to be confused by what this means, but it’s subtle enough that chances are he won’t reply with a dick pic.Woman studying man
This is a great way to tease him when you’re apart. Sending texts like this will make him think about you all day long and build anticipation for your next date.
If you’re looking for texts that will make him think about you every moment of every day then you’re in luck. I’ve just released The Text Chemistry program. It’s designed to teach women how to text for success. It’s packed with simple phrases that have powerful effects on any man and you can use it no matter who you are.

“You really know how to impress me.”

Many women hold back praise early on to avoid showing their hand. I think this is a bad strategy.
Complimenting a guy is not the same as being clingy. I’m guessing this guy is doing something right or you wouldn’t be trying to make him desire you like this.
Letting him know what he’s doing right is great positive reinforcement. Now he knows exactly what to do to make you smile and that’s what men want more than anything else.

“I’ll pay for this one.”

There’s a lot of discussion about who should pay on a date and how much you should let him support you financially.  Leaving that all aside for a moment, though, I think a good rule of thumb is to cover the bill on your second or third date. This not only shows him that you’re interested in an equal partnership but it has a powerful psychological effect. 
Often men will feel a bit embarrassed when a woman pays for him, even if he’s not aware of it. This subtle feeling will lead him to try to work harder to impress you and regain the upper hand in the relationship.
Don’t overthink this one, just buy him a beer. This will make him want to get closer to you without ever knowing why.

“I love…”

You can’t go wrong with this one. Just express your preference for something.
Whether it’s a pizza topping, a movie, or a pair of shoes, this one is best kept simple . Men like it when you’re positive and upbeat. They also like to see you happy. Negativity can be a huge turn off so you need to show him that you’re in love with life. Just don’t end this one with “you” and you’ll be just fine.
There you have it, 8 sentences that will give men powerful feelings of desire, lust and even love.

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