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The REAL Secret Behind Attracting Men

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My favorite proven tactics for attracting men…

The things you can do to attract men are countless. From flirting and dressing seductively, to stringing him along with a game of hard to get.
All of these things are bound to get his attention but what if I told you that the most effective way to attract men actually has little to do with how you treat them, and SO much more with your own happiness?

That’s right, the real secret behind attracting men is being a genuinely happy person.

Now I know that this sounds a bit odd, and you may be questioning how or why this ranks above things like beauty or intelligence, but the reasons why happiness is so attractive to men are these:

1. Happiness Is Contagious

Think about how tough it is to be in a down or bad mood when you’re around someone who’s radiating bliss. It’s pretty hard, right?
Well, the same goes for men. If you’re always in a good mood then it’s not only going to start to rub off on him, but once it does on a regular basis he’ll start to associate his happiness with you.
You’ll be the one he can bank on brightening his day.

2. Happiness Is Youthful

Men are attracted to women who see the light side of life, and don’t take themselves too seriously. Like you wouldn’t be drawn to someone who seemed overly stern or who always pointed out the negative, neither do men.
By being happy you’ll be able to show him your playful, light-hearted side, and that’s something every man desires in a partner.

3. Happy People Are A Joy To Be Around

There’s no denying that there’s enough negativity in the world as is, so if you can be his little escape and offer him a pleasant experience every and any time he’s around you, he’s not going to want to give that up.
Being the reason he smiles on a regular basis and the person he looks forward to seeing will build up an attraction in him like no other.
Now with those pointers in mind, it’s important that you actually find ways to BE happy. Sure, you can fake it, but it’ll only be a matter of time until your true colours shine through and he realizes that you’re not the happy woman he thought you were.
That’s not to say you can’t fake it in the beginning though, just as long as you’re making an attempt to genuinely become happier. In this case it’s an example of the classic “fake it til you make it.”

Ask yourself: “Am I happy?”

I know it sounds silly but recognizing this is the first step in the right direction. And it’s totally okay if you’re not happy right now. What’s important is that you make changes to improve your mood.
If you do need to work on your happiness you can do so by making a list of all of the things that make you feel good, the things that would make you feel good, and some goals for yourself.

For instance, if seeing your girlfriends gets your dopamine pumping then make a point to do so on a regular basis, and stick to it. If taking a yoga class would make you feel good, then make time for it in your schedule.
If there are things you’ve been putting off doing that you know would make you feel good to accomplish, then get on it!
Making these little adjustments to your routine will have a huge impact, and it won’t be long before you find yourself happier than you’ve ever been.

Showing Him Your Awesomeness

Okay, so once you spend some time focusing on you and making adjustments to increase your happiness, how can you show the guy you’re into that you’re a happy person?
Well, believe it or not, it’s actually pretty easy. Simply make a point to keep your words positive, to smile lots and don’t be afraid to laugh.
Be sure that your body language is upbeat and open, and make yourself approachable.
Best of all, if you do this enough it won’t be long until this is your natural state of being!

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