50 Cute Love Text Messages for Him

A sense of humor is always a good quality to find in a mate.
2. You are just the kind of guy I always hoped for.
If you have found your dream partner in your significant other, then this would be an excellent cute love text message to send to him.
3. You’re the most important thing in my life. Sometimes I just smile randomly because I remember I have you.
And each time you have a random smile or laugh because you are thinking about him, everyone else thinks that you are crazy. You actually are crazy, but only because you are so madly in love.
4. No one else could make me feel the way you do.
5. I’m so happy we’re together.
This is a simple, easy way to show your partner just how much he means to you.
6. I can’t stop thinking about you.
Use a cute love text message like this to show how much you think about him.
7. I wish you knew how happy I am when I think about you. I think about before I go to sleep.
And because he is the last thought on your mind at night, you know that you will always have the sweetest of dreams.
8. I love thinking about all the ways I’ll get to love you in the future.
And, of course, cute love text messages for him show all the ways that you get to love him in the present as well.
9. I wish my all my friends would meet a guy as good as you.
10. I’m so lucky I get to be with you.
This is a simple, cute way to show how much you care.

11. You’re the best guy I could ask for.
This is an adorable text to send your boyfriend.
12. I hope I make you as happy as you make me.
By sending him sweet texts, you can boost your chances of making him happy and content in the relationship.
13. You’re the only one in my heart.
This is such a sweet message, and it wins bonus points for being short and to the point.
14. I somehow love you more today than yesterday.
It seems impossible to love him even more, but you keep discovering that the impossible is possible.
15. I’ve never been happier than I am with you.
When he is the reason for all of your smiles and happiness, let him know it.
16. I love how handsome you are.
You can basically replace handsome with any adjective that describes your boyfriend well.
17. Thanks for being you.
Use this cute love text message to show your boyfriend that you love him exactly for who he is.
18. I love the way you smell when you’re hugging me.
Scent is a powerful part of attraction.
19. You make me so happy.
This is a sweet, easy message to use.
20. I find you irresistible.
He will certainly find your message irresistible!

21. You’re an angel.
This sounds like a text that you would use to thank him for doing something special for you.
22. Every day, you make me love you more.
This is always a good feeling to have in a relationship.
23. When I woke up this morning, I pinched myself to make sure you weren’t a dream.
To your amazement, you found that you really were with such an amazing person.
24. You’re my MVP.
If you have not said “I love you” yet, then you might want a less sentimental option like this one.
25. I don’t know what I did to deserve you.
You might not know what you did to deserve him before, but you can start earning his love through gestures like these cute love text messages for him.
26. I can’t believe I get to call you mine.
That is an incredibly lucky feeling to have!
27. Thank you for always making me smile.
This is a simple way to thank your boyfriend for always being such a positive part of your life.
28. No matter what happens, I’ll always think you’re amazing.
Unconditional love and support is amazing to have.
29. I love being able to brag about my awesome boyfriend.
While all of your friends are complaining about their partners, you have nothing to contribute to the conversation because your boyfriend is truly amazing.
30. Waking up to a text from you seriously makes my day.
Having a text from someone you love is truly the best way to start your day out right.

31. You make me feel like I am at my best.
When someone loves you unconditionally and supports you in everything you do, it gives you a renewed sense of self-confidence.
32. I always smile when I think of you.
This is a sweet, easy message to send your significant other.
33. You have my heart.
Add a heart emoji at the end of this cute love text message to make it even sweeter.
34. Spending the day with you is always my favorite day.
A day without him though is the worst day ever.
35. I love how much I love you.
This is a great text message for anyone who just loves to be in love.
36. I wish you knew how much you mean to me.
He might not know how much he means to you now, but text messages like this will start to show your boyfriend how important he is to your life.
37. The place I am happiest is in your arms.
Which is one of the reasons why you would like to spend so much time in his arms.
38. Come home soon. I miss you.
If he is late at work, this is a sweet way to tell him that you would really like him to come home to you.
39. I’m so luck you chose me.
If you are feeling blessed by an amazing boyfriend, show it by a cute love text message like this one.
40. You always make me feel better.
If your boyfriend recently helped you get over a struggle, this is a good text to send him.

41. I love you exactly the way you are.
This is a good way to show that you love your boyfriend for all of his flaws and imperfections.
42. You make me feel so safe and supported.
You can also switch around the adjectives to make this a more personalized message.
43. I love the way you look when you smile.
This is one way to get your boyfriend to smile more!
44. I don’t know how you do it, but you make me so happy.
Cute love text messages for him are a great way to show how much you care.
45. Hello, gorgeous.
If you only have a couple of moments to write a text message, something simple like this could do the trick.
46. Just wanted to say I’m thinking of you.
This would be a sweet message to get during the day.
47. My life is happier because you’re in it.
This is always a good quality to have from a partner.
48. You’re the last thing I think about before I fall asleep.
And the first thing you think about when you wake up!
49. I love all of your perfect traits and imperfections because each quality is what makes you, you.
This is a bit longer, but it still works well.
50. I love you, not just for who you are, but for who I am when we are together.
This cute message was actually inspired by a poem by Rumi.
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