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9 Signs a Date is Uncompassionate, Cold-Hearted

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Cold and uncaring, when a date like this walks into a room, you feel something strange.  Initially you can’t explain it and may even brush it off, but the energy isn’t good.  This negative vibe you feel is coming from a cold-bloodied person.  They don’t always look like a Stephen King thriller with a hollow look in their eyes; sometimes they appear engaged, kind, and intelligent.  However, these people when angry are downright unfriendly, unprofessional, and unintelligent!  So before you find yourself planning a future with a psychopath or narcissist, know the signs he or she sooner or later will care less about you!

1)  They just seem far too interested in you at first.  They make you feel like they are too good too be true.

2)  They tell white lies and hope you will overlook.

3)  They don’t seem to respond to your stories genuinely.  It seems like they are forcing emotion especially when what you are sharing is upsetting.

4)  You feel like they are acting or pretending like they care to help you when you call upon them.  Yet, when they are working with you, they aren’t doing much or doing a lot but complaining.

5)  When you first started dating the person didn’t hesitate to find out how you are feeling or how was your day, but in time, that all changes.  The date doesn’t bother to ask anymore, “How do you feel, How are you, How was work, or Do you need anything?”

6)  When others experience a loss, your date doesn’t have much to say.  Once again, he or she appears to be concerned by faking emotion.  

7)  When your date forgets to return a friend’s item, damages or loses someone else’s belongings, he or she doesn’t bother to take responsibility without repeatedly being asked about it.

8)  He or she doesn’t care to discuss your feelings, you are considered emotional or like all the rest.

9)  When approached about one’s nonchalant behaviors, the date feels justified in behaving that way and doesn’t see why their unresponsive demeanor is a problem for you.  

When dating a person lacking empathy expect the following:  they will not care too much about what you are saying unless you create distance, they will not bother to resolve matters without you being firm with him or her about them, and they will not appreciate your honest feedback about what they said or did or will look for ways to make you feel miserable.

Nicholl McGuire is the author of Too Much, Too Soon Internet Dating Blues and other books.

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