Wednesday, 19 March

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Discover how to write romantic love peoms and notes!

Discover the world's most romantic date nights at Constance

Amaze that special someone in your life with your own Romantic Poetry
By now we all realize that one of the most important things to remember in a committed relationship is to keep the romance alive and thriving.
It is all too easy to take one another for granted after a period of time passes.  Doing this, though, will not produce a strong love life and is not conducive for ongoing passion.
Easily the most effective way of keeping your relationship fresh and filled with love and appreciation is to simply nurture romance.
Here is a helpful meditation to keep your love alive!
I won’t ever take you
. . . for granted
I won’t ever forget
what it was like before you
or how I would feel without you
I won’t ever forget
our first kiss
our last warm touch
I won’t ever let a day go by
without telling you

how very much you mean to me
how very deeply I love you
how very much I need you
You need never doubt
the way I feel about you
how much happier I am
. . . with you in my life!
I love you now and always!
Wouldn’t a wonderful declaration of your love be a nice and romantic gift?
Declare your love in a love note or with romantic poetry
I find the words difficult
with just so many emotions tumbling through my mind
I feel only pride in you for who you are and what you mean to me
I struggle to put my thoughts to paper....but I must
You mean everything to me and more
even when the words don’t come out quite right
I still feel such peace and complete assurance
that you understand
I will forever be right by your side
I feel so whole when you are near
it all feels so good and so true
How can I thank you?
For the many dreams
for such wonderful times
Even if I should awake to be alone and scared
you are there
in my fondest hopes and memories
and when morning comes

we will still be on this journey
for we made a vow....
You make my life complete
You heal my heart and show me pure joy
You touch my soul and teach me to laugh
You heal my mind and teach me to dream
You kiss my spirit and teach me to fly
You are the best part of my life.
Probably the dearest and sweetest show of your affection would be to pen your own thoughts of your loved one.  Why not get started now?  You have so much to gain!
Use all the tips above often, and keep the flames of romance kindled in yours and your partner’s lives!

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