Discover how to enhance your Relationship with these simple date idea and Free Advice
Expect the unexpected. Be spontaneous and suggest something completely out of character. Send an intimate greeting card for no reason. Suddenly stop beside a country road, breath in the fresh air and say, "I love you!" and then be on your way. If your partner loves sports on TV, sit alongside and watch the game, too. Let your imagination have free reign.
Who said life had to be so serious? There will be faux pas and rock and roll! So what? Better to just roll with the punches. Poke fun at yourself, it is very refreshing, but, not at your partner. That's their own job. Smile all the time.
Take on “the art of communicating.” An entire book could be written on this subject! Your communication is the most important aspect of your love life. Without it, you are only half a person. We communicate in all kinds of ways, including verbal and non-verbal.
Just be very open to your partner and listen. Listening is the key to communicating. When you are communicating well you feel connected. When you feel disconnected you become distant. Your love life cannot survive being distant.
Watch what you say. Choose the words you speak with great care. Words hastily offered are not easily retrieved. They become your reality. Your love life lives on the tip of your tongue.
Make an effort each day to tell your partner how much they mean to you and how much they are appreciated. Talk with tenderness. Use terms of endearment, such as "Honey," "Sweetie," "Baby," etc. and be polite, saying "thank you." Whisper even the simplest of words that reflect your love and your relationship will grow.
Nurture your love life with words of affection, understanding, acceptance and forgiveness. Nurture is to nourish, educate, grow or develop; cultivate.
Cultivate a healthy love life. Healthy couples can identify problems with confidence. They can talk openly and honestly about their differences and come to workable solutions. Work on this actively, or the relationship will evaporate.
Trusting and Being Trusted. Be a straight shooter. Trust is the great equalizer in a good relationship; without it there is no good! A good foundation in a healthy love relationship is built on trust and trust must be earned. Holding back on the truth about how you feel, only telling part of the story, fudging on what your wants and needs are to your partner slowly erodes the trust in your relationship. Total honesty brings about awesome trust. Do all that you can to achieve it!
Go the extra mile. Motivate each other to be the best you can be. Be inventive in coming up with ways to inspire your love life. Never stop. NEVER! Push the romance envelope with a getaway in the mountains for a long weekend. Splurge and go all out! Use your imagination.
Agree to Agree. It is important to understand that relationships seldom feel easy; however, a relationship is less of a struggle when two people agree to do whatever it takes to make it workable. This does not mean "giving it your best shot and if it doesn't work, you move on." This means doing whatever it takes!
Memories last a lifetime - So can your love life. Create a love scrapbook. Stash your memories of special greeting cards, matchbook covers that remind you of great visits, snapshots, a pressed flower, ticket stubs, a handwritten love poem, a funny, thoughtful valentine.
Celebrate spending time together living out a life’s dream. If you have always wanted to see Whitney Houston in concert, go! Save the concert tickets and program and frame them as a life long memory the two of you have shared.
Spread a little sunshine. Give each other permission to their own space. Nothing grows well in the shade! If you are forever in your loved one’s pocket, you can stifle the love so freely given. Even love partners need time alone. You need space. This is another way to love yourself, first.
Call the love doctor. A lack in your love life is nearly always a symptom of something that needs fixing in the relationship. Work on being more attentive, thoughtful and creative in expression of your love and your love life with come alive again.
Go on a date with your partner. Even relationships that are old-hat need new juice! Once every week plan to spend some quality date time together. Enlist a trusted friend to stay the night with your kids and head for the “ten buck a night motel.” Relive those olden days when you really lit the fire.
Practice volume control when talking. A quiet loving voice is respectful and will get you more of what you want, more often.
Push your partner’s hot buttons - Push them spontaneously. I'm not talking about the ones you shouldn’t push. Push the turn-on buttons. Know what delights and pleases your partner and push those buttons often. [Pay special attention to do this. Often a warm and tender hug, a kiss on the back of the neck or an unexpected massage is all it takes to get those home fires burning again]. Remember that your love life is something that needs to be worked on all the time and not only when it is broken and needs to be fixed.
Practice Prevention - Don't allow your relationship to slide into oblivion. Look at your love life as an active, breathing thing. Life needs to be refueled and taken care of. Look at the many ways you can actively prevent your love life from sizzling out.
Learn to love more, smarter. You can acquire a healthier and stronger love life when you are learning more about what makes them so. Visit quality relationship sites on the Internet. Develop a desire to read. Join a book club and read together. Subscribe to relationship ezines. Attend relationship seminars. Get love life coaching. You can never be too smart about loving relationships.
Priorities, priorities. Abandon the idea once and for all that your life is your work. Don’t confuse your career with your life. The same is true of your relationship! Relationship must always come first, then your career.
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