1. Introduction
The late CLEMENT MICHAEL GEORGE ARGWINGS KHODEK , popularly known as "CMG", made history in 1949 when he became the First Black Lawyer in East Africa. CMG, who died in a mysterious road accident on 29.1.1969, was a Kenyan citizen.
2. Birth Date & Place
CMG was born in 1923 in Nyanza, Kenya.
3. Education
CMG was sent to a local mission school and later to St Mary's school, Yala and St. Mary's College, Uganda where he sat his Cambridge School Certificate in 1936.
In 1937, CMG enrolled at the prestigious Makerere University College where he was awarded a teaching diploma in 1940.
CMG would then spend some years teaching in then Nyanza & Rift Valley Provinces, Kenya.
4. CMG Pursues a Law Degree
In 1947, CMG was awarded a Govt scholarship to study social sciences at Cardiff university, Wales.
By then, the colonial Government was not allowing Africans to study Law-opting to give scholarships for other degrees especially education degrees.
Thus, when CMG applied to the Colonial Government to be allowed to study Law, the request was turned down pronto!.
But upon arrival in Wales, a determined CMG enrolled for a Law degree alongside his sanctioned Bachelor of Arts and obtained the former in 1949 and another in Social Sciences.
CMG was interested in the Western education as his motto was - "Learn the education of the whiteman, know his tricks and wisdom, then use his tools to chase him away from your land".
5. CMG Marries an Irish Woman
While in Wales, CMG married Ms MAVIN TATE, an Irish woman.
6. CMG Becomes a Member of the Bar
CMG became a member of the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, London-one of the four prestigious professional bodies in England & Wales.
7. CMG Returns Home
CMG could have stayed in London as a well paid lawyer but he surprised his colleagues when he, in 1952, sailed back to Kenya.
8. Weird Segregation Laws in Kenya
CMG & his wife met a quagmire over their living conditions.
In colonial Kenya, a black man having sexual relationship with a white woman would be punished by death and a whiteman having sexual relations with a black woman was not punished.
Furthermore, Nairobi was segregated; Westlands was designated-White only and Eastlands was black-only. This proved to be a problem for the couple as they were not allowed onto each other's race's areas.
Moreover, CMG couldn't legally kiss, walk hand-in- hand in public with his Irish wife. so, in a test case on Segregation laws, he went to court and won.
9. CMG Seeks Employment at AG's Chambers
Upon his arrival, CMG sought employment at the AGC but was given a salary which was a third of what Europeans in the same grade were getting.
10. CMG Becomes the Only Kenyan With a Law Firm
CMG protested but his pleas fell on deaf ears. So, he left to start his own law firm at Church House and he was the only African in Kenya with a law firm.
11. CMG Becomes the Sole Criminal Lawyer
By September 1952, the courts had jailed more than 500 Mau-Mau supporters.
Singlehandedly, CMG took on the formidable challenge of defending these fellow Kenyans and did it with gusto. He successfully appealed on a legal technicality.The west media hated him and dubbed him "The Mau-Mau Lawyer".
12. CMG's Irish Wife Dies
CMG's Irish wife, Ms MAVIN TATA, died. Their marriage had been blessed with two issues namely Ms CAROLE & SHIRLEY.
13. CMG Becomes a Member of LEGCO
CMG became active in politics and became a member of LEGCO representing what is now Nairobi Eastlands constituency.
14. CMB Meets Ms JOAN
Ms JOAN OMONDI narrates how the two met:
"One day I visited my cousin Mrs YUNEAH OUKO in Kisumu. Coincidentally, CMG was also visiting Dr. WILLIAM OUKO, with whom he had studied in the UK. Though I was in another room with YUNEAH, I could hear them discussing about me. One thing led to another. CMG,then, helped me to go to study in the UK".
15. CMG Proposes to JOAN
In 1961, CMG, who was attending the Lancaster Conference that was discussing Keny's imminent independence, proposed to Ms JOAN, in London, who consented.
16. CMG Marries Ms JOAN
CMG married Ms JOAN, first traditionally in 1962 and later at a glamorous wedding in Nairobi.
17. CMG Becomes an MP
In 1963, CMG became an MP for Gem constituency in independent Kenya.
18. CMB Appointed Assistant Minister
When Kenya became independent on 12.12.1963, H.E President JOMO KENYATTA appointed CMG Assistant Minister for Defence.
19. CMG Becomes a Cabinet Minister
In 1966, H.E President KENYATTA appointed CMG as Minister for Natural Resources and in 1967 as Minister for Foreign Affairs.
20. CMG Dies in a Mysterious road accident
On 29.1.1969, CMG and Ms JOAN parted earlier that day from a reception. She drove home ahead of him to attend the children. He didn't return home. At 11.30 Pm, police went to her house and informed her that CMB had been involved in an accident. She went to hospital. CMG was alive. He could speak but was in great pain. He passed on at 5.30 AM.
CMG was survived by his wife, JOAN OMONDI and their children CAROLE, SHIRLEY, GEM, CAESAR, SHARON & EUGENE who are all graduates.
CAROLE & SHIRLEY were CMG's daughters with his Irish wife, MAVIN. They were taken in and raised by JOAN & CMG following their mother's death.
21. Conclusion
The late CLEMENT MICHAEL GEORGE ARGWINGS KHODEK made waves, in 1949, when he became the First Black Lawyer in East Africa.
For just two decades at the courtroom and in politics, CMG had no match. CMG used his education to push for independence, providing the intellectual expertise and articulation of issues against the colonial authorities. Thereafter, he served as a minister in three dockets.
CMG will always be remembered as a trailblazing lawyer and a seasoned politician who shaped independent Kenya.
April 11, 2020
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